The short answer is yes, THC diamonds are one of the most potent forms of cannabis. However, why do we say this? Stay a bit longer to find out what makes THC diamonds so popular in the pot world.

What Does THC Diamonds Mean?

THC diamonds are crystalline cannabis that looks like diamonds deprived of the plant matters oil in a THC form. The structure contains 1% cannabinoids and terpenes, while 99% is refined THCA. Still, while it is strong, there are five facts you need to know.

You Do Not Get High with THC Crystalline

The THCA diamonds consumed on its own cannot get you high. It does not cause the happy feeling effect found in THC. Nevertheless, when you heat it up at high temperatures, the THCA transforms to THC, making you happy.

The THC Diamonds are Potent

In the THCA form, it is not potent but sold as THC diamonds, a highly potent concentrate of cannabis. Practitioners use it to treat medical problems, and one dab enhances the THC that gives you the high feeling. It can last for hours and is available in the form of shatter or wax.

It is Safe to Consume?

When you smoke THC diamonds, you get up to 90% of them in your lungs and bloodstream and are more potent than CBD concentrates. However, you can also make it into a powder to fill empty capsules for consumption as it has healing properties. The best part it is also legal to use when bought from a legal supplier.

How are Diamond Concentrates Made?

You find diamond concentrates made in two ways:

A Closed-Loop Form

In the process, you add a fluid solvent to remove the active elements. Using the process aids in obtaining the cannabis compounds. Nevertheless, making THC diamonds is complex, and trying to make it at home is not accessible and impossible to do in your kitchen. In addition, it needs chromatography equipment to work with the technology using cold extraction and is costly.

Using the Crystalline Method

The method uses solvent mixed with the THC isolate to create the compound. The diamond concentrate results from high temperatures and pressure. When you pass the solution through high temperatures and pressure, it forms the gems as the solution slowly evaporates.

Consuming Diamond Concentrates

THC diamonds are versatile to use with health benefits. You can consume it directly with minimal side effects or vape it. When smoking the diamonds, the THCA turns to THC to get a high experience. Or you can add it to your food or beverages without getting high. Yet, be prepared to pay a high price for these products.

You can use THC diamonds for treating hot flashes to boost your mood. Another benefit is for treating tooth and gum issues. If THC affects you, you can consume it to reduce inflammation for vast illnesses.

Final Thoughts

When using THC diamonds without heat is has no psychoactive abilities. Still, when you heat it up, it is a potent product to give you a happy feeling. What differentiates the potency is what procedures apply to the extract and the processing technique used to form the diamonds.

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