You might be wondering if it is possible to smoke an electronic cigarette without actually having to buy any of the liquids to go with it.

Now, we can’t begin to pretend to understand exactly what kind of thought process has to be going through somebody’s head to think that that’s in any way shape or form how the process works.

But, for the sake of fairness, and to make sure that everybody is 100% crystal clear on how the entirety of smoking an electronic cigarette works, we thought we would take a quick look at whether or not you can smoke your device without having any juice.

Yes and No

Okay, so the answer to this is kind of complicated. It’s kind of a yes or no thing. Usually yes and no at the same time.

Let’s talk about exactly what we mean. Now strictly speaking if you just had a device, a typical electronic cigarette, with no liquid in it, you could not smoke anything. There would be nothing to smoke.

So obviously, in that respect, no, you cannot smoke without e-liquid. It just doesn’t work. The juice is the whole point, everything else is kind of built around using that juice.

However, at the same time, you do also have to consider that there are more than one particular set of choices for you to consider.

For example, nicotine salts are not juices at all, and you can use this to smoke. It’s all about recognising that there are different ways to smoke, and then getting the best possible options from that.

Our Position

Functionally, we kind of sit in the realistic world here, in the sense we understand that without anything to smoke, you can’t use your device. That’s why we make providing you the best possible liquids and salts to be a top priority.

Now obviously, you are going to want to get the best possible choices and options, and you can do this by taking a look at what’s on offer. It’s just a case of exploring all of the different options, and being prepared to check out what there is. Experimentation is such a big part of this process, it would be ridiculous not to experiment.

We have people who use juices on a regular basis in the office, but we also have people who prefer the salts because they are easier to work with. There is no right or wrong answer here, that’s just what you believe and what you want to do.

Like we said, we make sure to offer both types of options for you. We understand that nicotine salts provide that heavy hit that you can’t get from the regular liquid, and some people need this because that is how they get their nicotine addiction. In the same fashion, we also make every attempt to provide you with a broad selection of juices, because that is the primary way in which people use electronic cigarettes.

When all is said and done, the type of option that you pick will be up to you, there are multiple routes to take for each option, and a broad selection of offerings, so it’s not like you’re going to be without.

Final Thoughts

So, where were we going with this? Well, it’s pretty obvious by now that you have to have the right liquids or salts to smoke properly. We’re not going to pretend that it’s something you can do without, because that would be ridiculous. At the end of the day, you do one or the other, in some cases, people work well with both. There are multiple routes to take, and many different styles and options you can pick between.

We offer a broad selection of options because we want you to be able to do well. We understand how important it can be for you to get the best possible choices and offerings, which is why we encourage you to take a look on the website and see what’s available. Everything you could need is there and easy to work with, so take a look at what’s on offer.