With all the pressures and stress of modern-day life more and more of us are susceptible to suffering from anxiety at one stage or another.

This can manifest in different levels of severity from mild to debilitating and can affect our day to day lives in different ways.

Now of course there are countless pharmaceutical solutions for anxiety but what if the thought of taking a chemical based drug to deal with your anxiety doesn’t sit well with you.

Well, you are in luck as there is a natural alternative in the form of CBD Oil. You may have heard of CBD Oil before but if not don’t worry in today’s article we will explain what CBD Oil is and how it can provide anxiety relief for you.

What is it?

CBD Oil is a natural molecule which comes from the hemp plant. Now not to worry CBD Oil is completely legal and won’t alter your physical state like marijuana does.

Allow me to explain THC is the substance that occurs in marijuana that alters users mental state providing the high that users seek.

CBD on the other hand does not have any psychoactive properties and instead comes with a plethora of health benefits.

Scientists have been studying the benefits of CBD since the 1960s and have concluded that users can experience the medicinal benefits of CDB without the intoxicating effects of THC.

How does it work?

CBD works with receptors in the central nervous system and interacts with your serotonin levels. Scientists have found that people with low serotonin levels are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety. Studies have shown that CBD can actually help you to manage your serotonin levels therefore helping you to manage your depression and provide anxiety relief.

How do I take it?

CBD comes in many forms the two most popular forms are CBD Oil and CBD plants. CBD Oil can be added to food, drinks or even just placed directly on to the tongue.

CBD plants are smoked not to dissimilar to their marijuana counterparts but without the intoxicating effects.

When it comes to the dosage that will vary from person to person and depend on the severity of the condition.

Naturally if someone is suffering from extreme depression, they will require a higher dosage than someone who is looking for mild anxiety relief.

The best way to make sure you get the correct dose of CDB is to consult a medical professional beforehand as we mentioned earlier CBD is completely legal so do not be afraid to ask about your treatment options with your doctor.

Is it safe?

CBD is considered very safe however with and medicinal procedure a small percentage of people may experience some side effects.

With CDB the likelihood of you experiencing side effects is very minimal and even if you are one of the people in the slim percentile that experiences side effects, they are not severe.

Typical side effects can include:

  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight gain/loss
  • Diarrhea

Although unpleasant none of the side effects mentioned above are serious however should you notice any of the above then discuss them with your doctor as soon as possible it could just be that your dosage needs adjusted.

CBD may also interact with other medications, so it is imperative that before beginning to medicate with CBD you consult with a medical professional.

Does it work?

In short yes CDB has been found to contain many medical benefits and has shown to be effective in treating depression and providing anxiety relief.

It offers a natural based alternative to chemical based anti-depressants, carries less risk of side effects and the dosage can be altered to suit your needs without any increased risk to you.

Of course, with any medication it is a process and results may bot be immediate but if you trust in the process and follow your doctor’s advice then you will begin to see the benefits of CBD sooner rather than later.

Unlike typical anti-depressants there is no prescribed duration as such and most people who use CDB tend to incorporate it into their daily routine as it not only provides anxiety relief but also includes lots of additional health benefits.

In short if you are looking for a natural alternative to treat anxiety or depression related issues then look no further than CBD. CBD Oil is easy to take and can be added to your daily routine with minimal disturbance.